Day 17

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting
January 28

Read: Psalm 119:1-24
Have you ever experienced the feeling of floating in the ocean, only to realize you have drifted in a different direction than the waves beneath you? For beach lovers who board a float and find themselves drifting off to the sleep, it can be terrifying to wake up and realize you are hundreds of feet down shore from where you began! It’s the same with the human heart… our hearts are prone to drift in directions that we really don’t want to go if we are not careful. In the sacred hymn of the church, “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” it says, “prone to wander, Lord I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love.” The reality is our hearts drift away from becoming more like Christ if we become unaware of the cultural waves that are moving underneath us.

For the wandering heart, Psalm 119 reads as an anchor to keep us steadfast in the ways of the Lord. What will prevent a heart from wandering? What can keep our hearts tethered to the ways of Christ? This Psalm is an invitation to devote our lives to knowing the Word of God; we don’t want to simply know it in our heads… we want to be moved, in our hearts. Right now, we are being pulled in a many directions and the promise of Psalm 119 is that when we allow our hearts to be pulled by the Scriptures, the result is a life that is growing in godliness every day.

What direction is your life moving towards right now?
Are you growing in godliness or being pulled away by the world?

  • Pray for those in our community who don’t know Jesus
  • That we would be a house for the harvest
  • That God would make us a people who take the Gospel to others with urgency