Day 21

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting
February 1

BETTER TOGETHER                                   
Read: Acts 4:23-37

“We Need Each Other.” This is one of our convictions here at Liberty. Here is how we describe it: “We believe our God is a God of community. As his people, we too must share in community both for spiritual growth and to bear His image rightly in the world. Doing so requires more than surface level interaction but true devotion, commitment, and deep love for one another (Acts 2:42-47). Therefore, we will be a people of authentic relationships, knowing they are vital for us and instrumental in making the Gospel more believable to the outside world (John 17:21, 1 John 4:11-12).” In our text today we can see what community looks like in the church as a whole.

After Peter and John boldly proclaimed the truth to the religious leaders who had opposed Jesus and had Him crucified, we find them gathering together with other believers for a time of prayer. Prayer is the key. Prayer should always be our first response and not our last resort. We call out to God because we need Him and that’s what they were doing. Luke tells us that during their time of prayer, they were ALL filled with the Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly (v. 31).

The Spirit gives us boldness and confidence to share the Gospel individually and together, because sometimes it is hard. Not only do we see boldness, we see they were unified in heart and soul. I would say that’s pretty unified. And it’s reflected in what happens next. They sacrificed personal property, possessions, and financial resources so that needs that existed could be met. This is how we are called to live our lives today. We should willingly sacrifice for one another and the church. The truth is, God has called and equipped us to be better together.

Do you hold tightly or loosely to the resources God has given to you?  
Are you currently faithful with your finances to give back to God?            
How can you be the hands and feet of Christ to those around you financially?


  • For state and national leaders in government
  • For local elected officials and nonprofit organizations in our community.
  • For the upcoming transition of power in Washington.
  • For America to turn back to God and for a great harvest of souls to come into the Kingdom.