Day 5

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting
January 16

Read: Philippians 2:1-11
During childhood, we search for someone who is greater than us to imitate. We aspire to be like our parents, our favorite movie character, or the great sports heroes that we look up to. We may not realize it, but nothing changes all that much as we move towards adulthood. People are consistently shaped by their surroundings and are formed by those who we perceive to “have it all together.” What if the same thing is happening to us even now as followers of Christ? Whether we are aware or not, our lives are being formed in a certain direction… the question is whether our lives are being formed to be more like Jesus or are we being shaped by the broken patterns and places of the world?

Philippians 2:1-11 shows that the Christian life should be molded by the incredible humility that was demonstrated by Jesus when he came to live among mankind. This scripture gives us insight into the counter-cultural life of following Jesus; just as Jesus humbled himself to come and serve us, so now our lives should aspire to be like His.

For every person following Jesus, it is good for us to examine our lives and see if His character is being displayed in us or are our lives reflecting a different master. Today, take some time to consider whether you are growing to look more like Christ, or if your life is being shaped in some other way. No matter where you are, remember that Christ is never finished with you, and He is committed to completing the work He has already begun within you!

What currently has the greatest influence on the person you are becoming?
How does following Jesus need to change the person you are today?
What areas do you need to allow the Holy Spirit into?


  • That we would cultivate a passion to know Jesus in a real way and study his Word
  • That we could become a church that is desperate and dependent on God
  • That we would grow daily in our faith
  • That the harvest would come in and people would come to know Jesus